商户简介:>function changeImg(obj,width,height){if ( obj.width > width || obj.height > height ) {var scale;var scale1 = obj.width / width;var scale2 = obj.height / height;if(scale1 > scale2){scale = scale1;}else{scale = scale2;}obj.height = obj.height / scale;}} language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> >nextAd() 创建于1996年,前身为东升木业,于2007年更名为宿迁三泰木业有限公司,2009年三个工厂合并为江苏树仁林业有限公司。坐落在中国意杨之乡——泗阳县,东靠泗阳县城,北临大运河,南濒洪泽湖,325省道沿门而过,水陆交通便捷,地理位置优越。公司占地面积80余亩,厂房面积15000平方米,员工420余人,其中研发人员19人,公司年产量达4万立方米,拥有自主进出口权。公司于2001年被泗阳县委、县政府授予“十佳个体私营企业”,同年被宿迁市委、市政府评为“农业产业化先进龙头企业”;2002年经江苏省远东国际评估有限公司审定为“AAA级资格等级”;2004年被认定为“宿迁市高新技术企业”;幻影彩线木、沙比利木等4种产品被认定为“市高新技术产品”;2006年被江苏省科学技术厅授予“江苏省星火龙头企业”称号。2007年公司的总产值近亿元,公司产品畅销全国各地,并远销俄罗斯、印尼、爱沙尼亚、瑞典、美国,深受国内外市场的好评。目前公司主要生产两大类产品:科技木和胶合板。科技木类产品有:木方、刨切皮、薄板、木线条。胶合板类产品有:异形全桦木胶合板、桦杨木胶合板、全杨木胶合板。上述产品均可按客户要求的规格生产。 We, DongSheng are an established plywood manufacturer and exporter. We have been in this industry field for over 18 years in China. We have its own imports-exports right. It is located in Siyang City; Siyang is birthplace of the Italian Poplar growing in the southern China as well as the only “Hometown of Italian poplar in China". We are experienced in supplying a variety range of film faced plywood and commercial plywood, MDF, PB etc. The size: 1220mm×2440mm×2.5mm---24mm. Besides, we also produce 1250mm×2500mm ones. We are using Dynea WBP Glue and film (120g/m2), which is the top-quality products in the world. Our products are exported to Europe, mid east area, Russia, America, SE Asia, etc. Here, we would like to introduce our...