商户简介:公司简介鑫泰家具有限公司。位于中国大型注塑基地——广东揭阳市,注册商标为“集胜”。公司以客户为中心,专业生产加工销售一系列钢塑坐椅,适用于教室、办公室、会议厅、侯(机)车室、影剧院、体育馆(场)、餐馆、宾馆、公园等公共场所,也适用于家庭,及庭院等私人场合。公司具有独立的进出口资格,公司自创业以来凭着专业的技术,“以诚待人,以质服人”,为准则,赢得了中外客户的信任。我们愿和新老客户携手前进,共创美好的未来。制造完美产品,铸造永恒品牌是我们永远的追求!ABOUT USXingTai Furniture Co.,Ltd. Located in Jieyang,Guangdong,which is one of the biggest base of injection. We are focus on the customer,and professional in producing and machining steel and plastic chair. Our products are suitable for classrooms, offices, meeting room, waiting rooms, theaters, palaestras, restaurants, hotels, parks, and so on.Our company have export authority. With the professional technology and of guide line of “honest to customer, quality to persuade”,we win the customer’s trust. We would like to cooperate with both old and new customers to set up a wonderful future.
具体地址:中国 广东 揭阳 中国 广东 揭阳市榕城区 广东揭阳榕城区彭林工业区2号路