酒店简介:中山大信皇冠假日酒店位于中山市小榄镇商业中心,毗邻大信繁华商业圈,时尚购物、娱乐综合设施一应俱全, 繁华风貌引人注目。距离龙山公园、江滨公园仅咫尺之远,是您在商务工作之余览菊城湖光山色的理想去处。酒店到珠三角各大机场、广交会及高交会会场仅需1到2小时车程,更有直通巴士往返中山港和香港市区。 中山大信皇冠假日酒店内设有311间雅致客房及套房,所有客房配有宽带高速上网,及卫星电视频道,全景落地窗,为每一位客人提供完善周到的下榻体验。您可在拥有先进器材的健身中心内锻炼体魄,在室内恒温游泳池中不受天气限制尽情畅游,更可在世界驰名的茶树水疗中心内享受独特的疗程,而身心愉悦。 皇冠皇子扒房,云集传统的广东点心及地道的亚洲佳肴,早午晚各式精美零点和扒类为您提供不一样的美食体验。您亦可在大堂吧品茗香茶,把盏陈酿,放松紧张的心情,体会繁忙之余的惬意休闲。 中山大信皇冠假日酒店拥有1200多平方米的会议场地,其中600平方米的皇冠宴会厅可容纳600多人,另有7个多功能厅,适合不同的社交会务需求。均配有高科技视听音响设备,高速无线网络覆盖,以及面面俱到的皇冠会议总监,致力为您提供最为完善齐全的会务设施,而实现真正的聚首成功。 Crowne Plaza Zhongshan Xiaolan is ideally located amidst a vibrant hub of commercial, shopping and entertainment center in Xiaolan town, a dynamic district of Zhongshan City in Guangdong province. The hotel is just 1 or 2 hours driving from major airports in Pearl River Delta, as well as the Shenzhen Hi-Tech Fair and Canton Fair exhibition center. The direct shuttle buses to Zhongshan Port and Hong Kong City are available. Hotel provides a comfortable experience with 311 well appointed rooms and suites, featured broadband high-speed internet access, multi-national satellite TV channels and French window. The well-equipped Fitness Center, in-door swimming pool and well-known TEA TREE SPA will release your soul and body completely with unique treatments and healthy exercises. The Prince Bread House provided a combination of authentic western specialties and Southeast Asia fusion delights, and signature canton Dim Sum. Lobby Lounge incite you to rela...
具体地址:中山 小榄镇 升平中路18号 (近民安中路)