营业时间:周一 至 周五 09:00-17:30
附近地标:慧园商务楼, 汇利大厦, 和安大厦
商户简介:青岛青制啤酒有限公司(BREWED AND BOTTLED BY GREENISLAND BRENEIES CO.,LTD.)成立于2005年,是一家集研究 开发 生产经营啤酒与一体的股份持有制独资企业,管理本部设立于青青之岛。青制以其优厚的股份制资金,加之强势商标品牌以及独特的经营管理理念,开始全面实施品牌带动战略,确立并实施了新特式管理,高起点发展,低成本扩张,市场网络建设等战略决策。并将以品牌组建在全国展开资产重组,构筑营销网络来完成全国性的战略布局,同时加进与各国贸易组织通力合作,使之进一步加快营销理念的创新,达到理想市场占有率,营造整体品牌价值,提高自身核心竞争力,并将以稳健的步伐向国际化大公司迈进。 青制啤酒与您畅享未来与世界共舞 BREWED AND BOTTLED BY GREENISLAND BRENEIES CO. LTD. was established in 2005. It is a stock-held single-venture enterprise focusing on doing research, developing and producing and managing beer. The Greenisland is its management headquarters. GREENISLAND BRENEIES CO. owns rich stock-shared capital, superb brand name and unique management concept, so it is begins completely the strategy of prompting brand name;. Further more, it has established and carried out the strategies of new unique management. Advancing with high starting point, expanding with low cost, building market internet and so forth. At the same time, it will rearrange the assets, open to the whole nation. In the form of rearranging all kinds of brand names, and build sale network to accomplish the national strategic distribution. Meanwhile, it must strengthen the cooperation with many other reading corporations. To make itself further innovate sale concepts quickly, attain idealistic occupation percentage of the market and create the value of brand name on whole. As a result of these, it can enhance its nucleus competition competence and step into large international corporations at a stable pace. Brewed and Bottled by GREENISLAND BRENEIES CO. will share you with a brilliant future and dance with you on top of the world