附近地标:华林大厦, 台湾饭店, 省体育中心
商户简介:福建省春秋国际旅行社有限公司简介 FUJIAN SPRING INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL SERVICE 国家特许经营出国(出境)游组团社 许可证号:L-FJ-GJ00057 福建省百佳诚信旅游单位 市级青年文明号 福建省春秋国际旅行社有限公司始建于1998年,是经国家旅游局批准特许经营出国(境)游组团社。专业从事出境、入境 、国内旅游、承办会议代订酒店、票务及相关业务,集吃、住、行、游等综合性服务于一体。长期与世界各地旅游机构保持良好的合作关系,从而为客户享受高品质的服务提供了强有力的保障。 本社现拥有大批专业知识丰富、业务娴熟、富有敬业精神的旅游专业人员及福建省优秀导游员,建立了优秀的“春秋”品牌及强大的服务接待体系。目前在福州地区拥有46个营业网点。为方便旅游者报名,更多营业网点仍在建设中。本社自成立以来,多次获得福建省、市旅游局表彰。曾获得“市级青年文明号单位”、“市旅游先进单位”、“福建省百佳诚信旅游单位”等多项殊荣。 春秋国旅提倡诚信品质旅游。我们坚信:实力在实践中得以检验,信誉在服务中得以肯定!福建春秋会是您的最佳选择! BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF FSITS Fujian Spring International Travel Service (FSITS) (www..com) was established under the authorization of the China National Tourism Bureau in 1998. Our service covers the arrangement of inbound and outbound tours, domestic tours, conference, hotel and ticket booking and other tour-related business. Due to the excellent cooperation with our partners both in China and abroad, our high quality service offered to all guests has been strongly guaranteed. Upon our base team of professional tour guides and tour operators, FSITS has gained great fame in the tour industry. We have been honored as the “City-level Civilized Unit”, “Advanced Civil Tourist Company”, one of the “Best 100 Travel Services of Integrity and Creditability of Fujian Province” and other awards, issued by the Fujian Provincial Tourism Bureau as well as the Fuzhou Tourism Bureau for many years. Currently, in addition to our home office we have opened 7 sales offices all over Fuzhou and the surrounding areas. For the convenience of our customers, more sales offices are under construction to increase their ac...