商户简介:衢州刘家香食品有限公司,成立于2006年,是一家高起点的专业生产高档食用油的生产企业。公司座落于国家历史文化名城衢州市,公司位于衢州市衢江区沈家经济开发区,东临320国道,北依杭金衢高速,交通便利,环境优美,是一座现代化的花园式工厂。公司拥有从前处理、压榨、精炼、冬化、精滤、全自动灌装(净化车间)的全套生产设备及化验分析和仓储等配套设施。可年产精炼山茶油1200吨,茶粕7000吨,茶籽粉300吨。 公司主打产品定位于原生态、健康的高端食用油---“刘家香”牌山茶油,以满足人们崇尚自然,追求健康的消费需求。我们的宗旨是:为顾客提供优质、满意的产品和服务我们的经营理念是:以信立业、以诚待人、以质求胜、共同发展。我们期待您的光临和合作,我们愿为您提供最好的产品和服务。ZHEJIANG QUZHOU LIU JIA FRAGRANT FOOD LIMITED COMPANYZhejiang Quzhou Liu Jia Fragrant Food Limited Company,founded in 2006,is a on the high starting point special hign-quality edible oil manufacturer. The company is located in state-list famous historical and culture cities---QUZHOU.It locates in SHENJIA economic development zone Jinhua.East near 320 national highway,North near HANGJINQU hignway. easy of access, excellent surroundings.It is really a modern garden type factory. We have a complete set of production equipment including first processes, squeezing, the leaching, the fining fine, the winter, filters,and filling the attire.Moreover,we possesses chemical examination analysis and warehousing necessary facilities.So we can produce 1200 tons of refining camellia oil, 700 tons of tea seed meal,300 tons of tea seed powder.Our main product pitch ecological,green and healthy hign-quality edible oil—“LIU JIA FRAGRANT”camellia oil. To satisfy consumers' needs of advocating nature and pursuing health consumer demand. Our objective:t Offering clients our excellent products and customized servicesManagement mind:to start a career honestly, treat men sincerely,win by hign-quality,develop together. We expect your presence and to enjoy, we will offer you the best products and service.
具体地址:中国 浙江 衢州 中国 浙江 衢州市 衢州市衢江区沈家经济开发区乌江东路西