商户简介:普吉SPA,将给您带来无以言喻的美好体验! 位于北京长白山国际酒店B1,融合东西方文化,清幽雅致,是一处专为享受沉思以及激发灵感而打造的“市内桃源”。在这里,您的身体、意识和心灵都将得到完全的放松和恢复。 放松、回归、享受、重生。普吉的宗旨是“为最需要SPA的人群,提供最纯正最专业的超值SPA体验。” 普吉SPA拥有独特而广泛的护理项目供您选择,再配合我们专业而令人愉悦的服务,相信一定能为您创造一个远离尘世喧嚣的人间天堂。 welcome to De' Bay SPA, It is a world of total relaxation, rejuvenation and pampering for your , mind and soul. De' Bay SPA is a place designed to create an ambiance of tranquility for both ontemplation and inspiration. Our exclusive and extensive treatments offer a wide and various range from the most innovative to time tested classic traditions combined with our professional and delightful services, providing your own world of sanctuary away from daily life. We, De' Bay SPA, are always researching, implementing, and continuously leading the way towards face, and spa care excellence.